We are Education Mobile App Development
Make learning fun and interactive with the user-friendly education mobile app. And enhance the scope of e-learning as the edutech mobile application loads multiple features. However, the education mobile application provides the solution related to attendance, online exam management, payroll, staff management, etc.
Easing the learning experience for the students and providing faculty friendly experience, the education mobile app is a new age development and a revolutionary change to the education and learning. Therefore, our experienced mobile app developers make learning and teaching an effortless process by implementing the right technologies to the mobile application.
Breaking away the shackles of traditional classroom learning, the mobile application helps in connecting with the students any time from around the corner of the world. As the mobile app for education is reliable and comes with 24/7 connectivity through the internet connection. Thus, we provide an end to end education mobile app solution.

The Pros of Having Education Mobile Application
We change the way of learning for students, and educational institutions as it involves continuous involvement. Thereby, we provide the facility of education software on both web and mobile. However, with the creation of education module and conducting of online classes, providing education virtually is a possibility just with the means of internet connection.
Consistency: The education mobile apps provides the uniform learning experience to all the learners from the similar learning material available to everyone. Whereas every learner gets to follows the same high-quality instructions from their faculty.
Updates: It’s easy to make updates to the learning module. Meanwhile, with the enormous enhancement in the online education, ignoring the countless opportunities and benefits of the mobile application would be a big mistake. Thus, get the mobile application developed today.
Centralization: Education mobile application assures feasibility in managing the different departments on single dashboard. Additionally, it’s flexible to organise the different teaching materials on the same subject. Howsoever, the software becomes the centralised platform for teachers, students and parents to access it.
Interactive Interface: The exciting interface of the mobile application creates an inclination for learning through graphics, images, presentations, etc. Meanwhile, the advanced content management system of the software enables one to upload interactive course material which comprises animated graphics, videos, GIFs, audio, etc. Additionally, the platform provides the adaptive learning capabilities.
Library Management: Bid goodbye to the manual maintenance of library details as the edutech mobile app features includes returning of books, generating bar codes to the books, categorisation of book, and issuing of books which happens within the matter of few clicks.
Digital Processing: Educational mobile app solves the pain areas of the educational institutes. Additionally, the automation makes the processing way easier to complete the voluminous data processing task. And this way schools can manage the routine tasks effectively. Thus, utilise the new aged technological advancement in the education industry and have the educational mobile application developed from the trained experts of Keen Solutions.
Features of the Software
The educational mobile apps come with advanced features of digital blackboards, voice-based communications and virtual classrooms. Thereby, with the usage of advanced technologies such as React Native, and Xamarin, we build a progressive mobile application for better learning experiences. Additionally, with code writing we develop educational mobile applications for the Android, iOS, windows, etc.
Systematic Arrangement: It’s easy to create coordination through the regularized time table and manage academic calendar with the customised education mobile app development. However, the edutect app is enriched with catalogue management which makes searches easier.
Additionally, the application comes with the easy enrolment process for professors and students. Thus, the education mobile app makes admission process for the schools online wherein it’s also feasible to generate online certificates.
Performance Assessment: The teachers can share the real time progress report of the students. However, the edutech app facilitates the interaction between parents and teachers. And this way the manual load of the teachers gets reduced. Furthermore, parents can keep track of the daily progress of their child through the transparency of learning management systems.
Easy Usage: Mobile learning, which precisely includes learning through palm devices, smart phones, and tablets. Herein, you get to translate your course material in multiple languages. Conducting the fair examination through online scrutiny, and evaluation becomes seamless. Additionally, one makes use of advanced statistics module and reports. However, the live classrooms are promoting flexibility, and improved information at low cost to the students.
Customization: The educators can enable customised notification and alerts to the mobile app. Additionally, by implementing plugins one can upload different forms of content to the educational mobile app. Thus, the mobile application makes learning interactive and engaging.
Security: It’s easy to retrieve, access and edit data with the facility of technologically advanced mobile application as it’s inclusive of back up and full proof security. Meanwhile, the paperless modernised educational application delivers speedy processing, security and manageable actions.